

Aug 31, 2023

EP REVIEW: Glass Casket

It's been quite some time since the words GLASS CASKET were uttered as most had expected that that ship had long since sailed. What began as a long-awaited reunion all the way back in 2014 has finally come to fruition in the form of a four-track EP which is out now via Silent Pendulum Records. Will this be a triumphant return or should they have remained a fond nostalgic memory?

Merrymaker possesses a ponderous, doom-laden stride riddled with swift vocal deliveries and a stomping heaviness that leads the way for the elevated carnage of Let Them Go. Crushing hooks, clinical drum work and proficient technicality combine to form a monstrous force. Nimble lead work adds the cherry atop this grim, evil cake.

Prison Of Empathy comes hurtling toward you with relentless blast beats alongside twisting and turning riff sequences. The grooves unleashed are neck-snappingly addictive. For The Living grabs the baton from its counterpart and speeds off into the distance in rapid fashion. The jarring riff work is like a sledgehammer to the jaw, rarely pausing its assault. The diverse vocal stylings courtesy of Adam Cody add another dimension to proceedings, piquing your intrigue at every turn.

There may have been an extensive gap between releases but GLASS CASKET have still managed to encapsulate the core dynamics of what brought them so much acclaim. Recording technology has progressed in leaps and bounds so it goes without saying that the production quality is certainly a step up and recruiting Wes Hauch was definitely a masterstroke as his Midas touch continues to work wonders. It will be interesting to see whether this was a sign of things to come or just a prolonged itch that needed to be scratched.

Rating: 8/10

Glass Casket is out now via Silent Pendulum Records.

Follow GLASS CASKET on Instagram.

GLASS CASKET Silent Pendulum Records Merrymaker Let Them Go Prison Of Empathy For The Living Adam Cody GLASS CASKET Wes Hauch Rating: 8/10 Glass Casket is out now via Silent Pendulum Records. Follow GLASS CASKET on Instagram.